“We arrived home to find my ship came in. Opportunity knocked and I finally answered it.
I opened the container and saw the light inside. Promise peeped out. I thought I heard a little cry.
My dear wife waited breathlessly nearby.
I lifted off the wrapping, and picked up the strapping first edition. It’s a girl! And she’s beautiful!
Six inches wide and nine inches tall—big for her size and easy to hold.
After years of hard work my baby had been born, delivered, and finally arrived--fresh from heaven, or PublishAmerica, whichever came first….
Look for her name: Moonlight, Missiles, and Moana…..
There she was. Printed, bound, covered, and complete—my first real-life creation, a full length novel.
I looked inside, and there were four more just like the first. Quintuplets! And they’re all ours!
I just got five copies yesterday on July 15th: they are gorgeous!
They came on July 8th while we white-water rafted on the Nationally Preserved Wild and Scenic Rogue River up in Oregon.
I took all afternoon and signed them all away to my dear family.
I ordered more. You might want to take a peek for yourselves.
www.amazon.com or
www.publishamerica.com or
www.bookmanmarketing.comType in my pen name, Stephen B. Gladish,
Or the name of the novel, Moonlight, Missiles, and Moana, and you will find the little darlin’.
The sequel, Mustang Fever, is finished and at the proofreader’s and will be ready to go within the month, should I decide to go for a larger family right away, now that we’ve got the hang of it….
However, comma, I’ve got to take some time to send out announcements on the firstborn.
And I may bide my time.
Happy Days are here!
Stephen B. Gladish